Social network analysis (SNA) is the process of investigating social structures using networks and graph theory. It characterizes networked structures in terms of nodes or vertex (individual actors, people, or things within the network) and the ties, edges, or links (relationships or interactions) that connect them. I won’t talk too much detail on the SNA theories as you can easily find them on the internet. There are some sources that provide data for SNA such as Stanford and kdnuggets . In this simple analysis, I extract Twitter retweet data using “twitteR” package and analyse network retweet of a certain topic using “igraph” package in R. This tutorial from cosmopolitanvan may help you to replicate this work. As one of the largest social networks on the Internet, Twitter can be used for expanding your business or website's audience. It is free to create an account, it is easy to start tweeting to promote your work or share your ideas and thoughts. Twitter has 284 mil...
Global Findex (Financial Inclusion Index) report which was released in 2018 shows only 48.9 percent of the adults in Indonesia own a bank account. Millions of unbanked Indonesian adults work in private sector and get paid in cash. What is the main reason to these young adults not having bank account? the reason is the distance and surprisingly 69 percent of this population segment have their own mobile phone. We see some efforts from the banking institution to reach out this unbanked population but it is not enough, there is still a wide gap. We may now realize that why there are many advanced technology multi-finance companies occur in the recent years, these companies fill the gap. They know the characteristics of the unbanked population and by utilizing the technology they can reach out more of this population. But, reaching this population is not without some risks. Multi-finance companies compete with each other to capture the market, they will offer many ...